Nice time to start painting
Stacey Gillian Abe, Maxwell Alexandre, Cristina Canale, Flavio Garciandía, Luis E. López-Chávez, Miguel A. Machado, Agnes Waruguru, José Yaque 27 Nov 2022 - 28 Jan 2023Bode Havana (address): Aguiar 111 between Cuartéles and Chacón, La Habana Vieja (Old Havana) Wed - Sun: 10am - 4pm or by appointment Despite being part of the genetic information...Read more -
Woman to Woman
Stacey Gillian Abe, Belkis Ayón, Heidi Bochnig, Layo Bright, Cristina Canale, Mira Dancy, Ruth Ige, Dana James, Io Makandal, Yolanda Mazwana, Ambrose Murray, Buhlebezwe Siwani 28 Jan - 6 Mar 2022We are pleased to announce Woman to Woman , our first group exhibition of the year where we present a curated selection of international female creators and their differing proposals...Read more -
La Puente - Seat of Honor
Stacey Gillian Abe 5 Apr - 1 May 2019LKB/G and kulturreich are pleased to announce their shared exhibition 'La Puente - Seat of Honor' by Charlotte Schmitz and Stacey Gillian Abe. Born in 1990, Stacey Gillian Abe graduated...Read more